Working groups
To start up the program, we suggest to organize ourselves into three working groups (WGs):
WG1) Precision jet quenching observables
- Observables: jet inclusive spectra, heavy-quark jets, di-jet, hadron-jet, photon-jet, heavy boson-jet, jet energy flow, high-pt hadron data
- how sensitive are these observables to medium effects vs. vacuum/fragmentation effects and fluctuating background?
- jet quenching in small systems: what are the observables?
- Conveners: Dennis, Matthew, Yacine
WG2) Jet quenching in substructure/”boosted” observables
- Observables: multi-prong objects, jet shapes, splitting function, two-/n-prong yields, correlations, heavy-boson decays
- what do we want to learn? can we tag medium-induced bremsstrahlung?
- what are the relevant tools (tagging, pruning, filtering, grooming)?
- how sensitive are these observables to medium effects?
- Conveners: Marta, Leticia, Matteo
WG3) New theoretical tools and MC implementations
- vacuum fragmentation
- medium-modifications (energy loss,... )
- (de)coherence effects
- plasma modeling and “backreaction”
- hadronization
- Conveners: Guilherme, Yen-Jie, Konrad
Common discussion points
- conventions for data presentation (exp-exp comparison, exp-theory comparison)
- background subtraction techniques
Possible internal WG tasks
- mini-presentations/discussions
- setting up studies with toy-models & studying constraints from pp physics using generated MC data
- compile data comparisons
- compile model comparisons: what models contain what?
- final statement of interest
Goals of the institute
- Status of perspectives for comparisons of theory predictions with experimental data?
- Lisbon accord (RIVET,...)
- JetScape
- How far have we come in order to extract properties of the medium?
- Do we want to work more coordinated together in the future?
The WGs work independently during the workshop, and manage their own agendas that include time for individual work and WG meetings.
The WGs listed above are meant to set the stage for the discussions and help us organize. In course of the TH institute, there will be the possibility of re-organizing and modifying the tasks/objectives of the WGs. TWiki pages for collaborative efforts are being prepared. There will also be a central blackboard in the TH common room, where announcements/meetings are being posted.