Novel tools and observables for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions / 5th Heavy Ion Jet Workshop
The deadline for application is currently extended to Aug 11. There is still the possibility for financial support for a limited of participants.
Welcome to the CERN TH institute “Novel tools and observables for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions”, which will be organised together with the 5th Heavy Ion Jet Workshop. The workshop and ensuing institute aims at bringing together theorists and experimentalists interested in jet observables in heavy-ion collisions.
The study of QCD jets and their modifications in the dense environment provided in heavy-ion collisions is motivated by two main aspects. Most prominently, jets serve as perturbative and well-controlled probes of the characteristics of the underlying medium. In this, they complement the physics information obtained by analysing the features of bulk particle production, such as flow observables and heavy-quark measurements. However, the processes underlying jet quenching share many similar features with generic equilibration mechanisms. In this respect, characterizing the medium-modification of the jet substructure may open a window of testing the dynamics responsible for medium collective behaviour, for which there is ample experimental evidence.
The scope of the workshop will span a wide range of topics, striving to connect theoretical ideas with clearly defined observables and exploring the related technical challenges. A focal point of the discussions will also be novel grooming techniques for jet substructure observables. We invite interested participants to reflect on the following points:
How to extract meaningful information about medium properties from jet measurements, in particular jet substructure?
What are the physical mechanisms and what are the relevant observables?
What do we learn from jet grooming and declustering techniques, and what are the right tools?
What are the prospects for jet measurements in heavy-ion collisions for the future (for example, sPHENIX, HL-LHC)?
The format of the meeting is twofold. We open with a 2,5 day workshop with a relatively dense programme of presentations. The remaining time (2,5 days + 1 week) will be devoted to the TH institute during which the discussion will be organised in working groups whose concrete topics will be guided by the participants’ interests. There will be ample time for informal discussions and collaboration, and we will reconvene sporadically to take the pulse of the ongoing discussions. As a final product of the workshop, we envision a brief report summarising the status of the discussions and a statement of interest for the future that will be finalised during Autumn 2017.
We would like to ask you to provide a few key topics that you would be interested in discussing during the workshop in the registration form in order for us to set up the working groups. Besides, if you wish to give a talk during the workshop, please indicate so during the registration. We encourage the participants to stay at least for one week at the meeting.
We strongly invite you to participate in this collaborative effort in a friendly atmosphere, and look forward to your contribution!
The Institute is funded by CERN and is supported by LPCC .
Registration: There is no registration fee. Registration will be open until Aug 11, 2017. We can only provide financial support for a limited number of participants.
Organisers: Matteo Cacciari, Leticia Cunqueiro, Yen-Jie Lee, Yacine Mehtar-Tani, Guilherme Milhano, Matthew Nguyen, Dennis Perepelitsa, Konrad Tywoniuk, Marta Verweij, Urs Wiedemann, Korinna Zapp
Anton Rebhan
Austin Alan Baty
Camelia Mironov
Carlos A. Salgado
Chang Ning-Bo
Cheng-Chieh Peng
Christian Bierlich
Christopher Mc Ginn
David d'Enterria
Dennis Perepelitsa
Dingyu Shao
Edmond Iancu
Fabio Dominguez
Francois Arleo
Gavin Salam
Guilherme Teixeira De Almeida Milhano
Gunther Roland
Hadi Hassan
Harry Arthur Andrews
Hendrik Poppenborg
James Mulligan
Jorge Casalderrey Solana
Kaya Tatar
Konrad Tywoniuk
Krzysztof Kutak
Kurt Jung
Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez
Liliana Apolinario
Marco Van Leeuwen
Marta Verweij
Martin Spousta
Matteo Cacciari
Matthew Nguyen
Michal Deak
Mrinal Dasgupta
Nima Zardoshti
Peter Martin Jacobs
Philip Coleman Harris
Ran Bi
Redmer Alexander Bertens
Rosi Jan Reed
Rudiger Haake
Shanshan Cao
Souvik Priyam Adhya
Tan Luo
Víctor Vila
Yacine Mehtar-Tani
Yang-Ting Chien
Yen-Jie Lee
Yi Chen