Session 1 - Source term and related topics
- Nikolai Mokhov (FERMILAB)
Takashi Nakamura
(Shimizu Corporation)
02/06/2010, 09:10
Source term and related topics
This review summarises data up to 2008 on energy and angular distributions of neutrons produced from thick targets of various materials bombarded by protons, deuterons, He and heavier ions having wide energy range from MeV to GeV. Total neutron yields are also presented. Production cross section data for spallation by proton to Ar ion are also summarized in this talk, as well as excitation...
Igor Rakhno
02/06/2010, 09:40
Source term and related topics
Test facilities for high-gradient superconducting RF cavities usually are strong sources of radiation due to field emitted electrons inside the cavities. Design of shielding for such facilities involves significant uncertainties because of lack of a reliable model of the field emission. Present work describes a semi-empirical method that allows us to predict the intensity of the generated...
Yosuke Iwamoto
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
02/06/2010, 10:00
Source term and related topics
The neutron energy spectra penetrating 10 to 100 cm thick iron and 25 to 200 cm thick concrete shields have been measured using 138, 243 and 387 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron sources at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP) facility, Osaka University, Japan. The source neutrons were produced from a 1 cm thick lithium target bombarded with 140, 245 and 388 MeV protons. Two types of...
Vladimir Mares
(Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen, Institute of Radiation Protection, Germany)
02/06/2010, 10:50
Source term and related topics
This paper describes the results of neutron spectrometry using Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS) at the ring cyclotron facility at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University, Japan. The BSS system consists of 15 polyethylene (PE) spheres with spherical 3He proportional counters in their center. It also includes two PE spheres with lead shells inside, to increase their...
Nobuhiro Shigyo
(Kyushu university)
02/06/2010, 11:10
Source term and related topics
Neutron energy spectrum from 120 GeV protons on a thick copper target was measured at the Meson Test Beam Facility (MTBF) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), USA. The data allows for evaluation of neutron production process implemented in theoretical simulation codes. It also helps exploring the reasons for some disagreement between calculation results and shielding benchmark data...
Mary PW Chin
(European Spallation Source & CERN)
02/06/2010, 11:30
Source term and related topics
In a MW (p,xn) neutron facility GeV-range protons impinge a target where each proton generates an eventful history. As each history develops upstream towards downstream, the primary and subsequent secondaries penetrate the target and traverse the various components in the assembly (including the moderator and the reflector). Useful neutrons will survive and exit the beam line at the desired...
Anna Ferrari
(Institut für Sichereitsforschung and Institut für Strahlenphysik, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany)
02/06/2010, 11:50
Source term and related topics
In recent years the dramatic rise in attainable laser intensity has triggered a strong evolution of the research field, that is associated with the non-linear laser-matter interaction: production and acceleration of electrons up to 1 GeV over accelerating distances around 1 mm (to be compared to the 100 m, that are typical for conventional accelerators) are a visible result of this...
Anna Ferrari
(Institut für Sichereitsforschung and Institut für Strahlenphysik, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany)
02/06/2010, 12:10
Source term and related topics
The radiation source ELBE at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) uses a superconducting LINAC to produce high brillance electron beams, that can be delivered with energies up to 40 MeV, intensities up to 1 mA and within a pulse width of less then 10 ps. With these parameters the electron beam is used also to produce an intense neutron beam, by stopping the electrons in a liquid lead...
Nikolai Mokhov
02/06/2010, 14:00
Source term and related topics
The next generation of accelerators for Mega-Watt proton and heavy-ion beams put unprecedented requirements on the accuracy of particle production predictions, the capability and reliability of the codes used in planning new accelerator facilities and experiments, the design of machine, target and collimation systems, detectors and radiation shielding and minimization of their impact on...