Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21 May 2017 to 3 June 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


Closing and Final Presentation

2 Jun 2017, 09:00
3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room (CERN)

3/R-002 - Teacher Training Room


Show room on map


Presentation of each internship participant

Presentation materials

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Charlotte Lindberg Warakaulle (CERN), Dezso Horvath (Wigner RCP, Budapest (HU)), Peter Jurcso (CERN), Sascha Schmeling (CERN)
02/06/2017, 09:00

Closing of 1st Hungarian HSSIP Programme with closing remarks from Head of International Relations at CERN - Charlotte Warakaulle.

Marcel Dorián Kovács , Vendel Péter Kupás
02/06/2017, 09:15

Mentors: Máthé Zoltán, Krasznahorkay Attila

Kispál Benjámin, Molnár Benedek
02/06/2017, 09:45

Mentor: Soós Csaba

Bíró Dániel, Makovsky Mihály
02/06/2017, 10:00

Mentor: Kerekes Zoltán

Laczkovich Máté, Veres Tamás
02/06/2017, 10:15

Mentor: Banicz Károly

Méhes Balázs, Nagy Daniel
02/06/2017, 10:30

Mentor: Pók Péter

Darvas Dóra, Wittmann Kevin
02/06/2017, 11:00

Mentor: Vadai Mihály

Csatlós Botond, Horváth Zoltán
02/06/2017, 11:15

Mentor: Turi Dániel

Balogh Tamás, Sájerman Klára
02/06/2017, 11:30

Mentor: Bojtár Lajos

Egervári Glenda, Szatmári Eszter
02/06/2017, 11:45

Mentor: Lucsányi Dávid

Building timetable...