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WG1 - VBF conveners meeting


The VBF working group has identified some topics of discussion which can be subject of either reports or publications of the working group, assuming of course that developments in specific tools are published by the corresponding collaborations already.

- jet multiplicities merging and parton shower accuracy: no studies exist already in this field, with any of the tools existing on the market. The publication of apple-to-apple comparisons between different merged samples, once produced, and between different showering options, might be the subject of a report with recommendations on which central value and what uncertainties to be adopted in analyses that make use of some kind of central jet veto. Attention to event selections should be paid, since they can be sophisticated by multi-variate discriminants.

- higher-order corrections: while NNLO QCD and NLO EWK exist at fixed order, no prescriptions are available on how to apply them to events generated after parton shower and underlying event simulation. Knowing that an event-by-event reweighting could spoil the accuracy of the simulations used in the data analyses, a prescription on how to reweight existing simulations to NNLO QCD and NLO EWK without affecting the simulation precision could be subject of a publication, maybe including also a joint treatment of NNLO QCD and NLO EWK corrections.

- high-pT Higgs boson: ATLAS and CMS are expected to deliver analyses addressing the high pT part of the Higgs spectrum (above 0.5 TeV), where approximations performed in the currently used calculations and event production might not hold any longer. A careful study of the simulation of this phase space could be subject of a report.

- a small working group meeting is planned for June to discuss the topics listed below in the community and prepare for the general assembly meeting in July. 

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:00 10:20
      Roundtable 20m
      Speakers: Dr Alexander Karlberg (Universitaet Zuerich (CH)), Barbara Jaeger (University of Tuebingen), Claudia Bertella (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)), Pietro Govoni (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))