27–28 Jul 2017
WH8XO (Hornet's Nest)
America/Chicago timezone


Future Analyses & Benchmarks

28 Jul 2017, 15:30
WH8XO (Hornet's Nest)

WH8XO (Hornet's Nest)


Future Analyses & Benchmarks

  • Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
  • Philip Coleman Harris (CERN)
  • Tim M.P. Tait (University of California, Irvine)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Philip Coleman Harris (CERN), Tim M.P. Tait (University of California, Irvine)
28/07/2017, 15:30
Building timetable...