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Portuguese High-School Students Internship Programme 2017



Ana Noronha, Joao Antunes Pequenao (CERN), Stavroula Kotsi (Athens University of Economics and Business (GR))

The Portuguese High-School Students Internship Programme 2017 will take place from 3 September - 16 September. This programme is a unique opportunity for high-school students from CERN Member States to be introduced to CERN, its technologies and physics, as well as to learn through workshops and by shadowing, observing, and working with a member of personnel. 

CERN is looking forward to welcome the Portuguese High-School Students here in Geneva, Switzerland!

Portuguese High-School Students Internship Programme 2017:

In case of emergency: High-School Students Internship Programme Manager:

Ines Knaepper: 0041 75 411 2297
Stavroula Kotsi: 0041 75 411 1096

CERN fire brigade: 0041 22 76 74444

CERN Meyrin map
CERN Prevessin map
How to get to CERN

Students & Project split


 Projects Supervisors  Requirements    Students  

Determination of Planck’s constant using LEDs (CMS) 

Andre David


Tomás Alvim

Diogo Martins Ribeiro Araújo Aguiar

Medições, teste e caracterização de amplificadores e comutadores analógicos/digitais (LINAC)


Joao Bento Laptop

Alexandre Faria dos Santos

Pedro Ramos

Introduction to vacuum instrumentation and controls (Vacuum)

Paulo Gomes laptop + bicicleta, Apetência para a programação e electrónica

André Miguel Charneca Duarte

Tânia Machado

Calibração dos canais de alta tensão para o detector TileCal (ATLAS) 

Ana Henriques

Filipe Martins

Apetencia para a programacao

Margarida Paixão Cordeiro

João Miguel Silva da Rocha

Participação no desenvolvimento do sistema de controle da experiencia (LHCb) Clara Gaspar Conhecimentos de programação (qualquer linguagem)

Beatriz Gamboa Pereira

Rita de Sousa Ataíde da Silva

The GBTX transceiver and its power supply noise limits

Rui Francisco

Pedro Leitao

Computador para fazer tabelas, Power Point.
Aptidao para a electronica

Guilherme Almeida

Miguel Madeira Bidarra Oliveira Barbosa

Nanomaterials at CERN: how many square meters are in one gram of a nanomaterial? (ISOLDE) Joao Pedro Ramos

Excel, Materials Science, Physics, Mathematics
Computer need
Cryogenics will be used but the supervisor will to handle the liquid N2

Maria Carreira

Vicente Cruz Silvestre

Join the CERN IT Department to be part of the Helix Nebula Science Cloud project team to test hybrid cloud services that will support the computing needs of the LHC experiments (Cloud Computing) Joao Fernandes

Skills System administration (e.g. with GNU/Linux), basic knowledge of Python and Shell Script.
To train with the supervisor:
Basic knowledge of software development and management tools (e.g. Git, Jira, Confluence)
Other requirements: PC/laptop running Linux, CERN account

Nelson José Freitas Rebelo

Edoardo Contente

Quem são os portugueses que trabalham no CERN? (Comunicacao Cientifica) Ana Godinho Camera fotografica/smartphone, laptop

Ana Rita Inácio Fraga Diogo

Rafael Duarte Rianço Gomes da Silva

Núria Marília Gonçalves Mendes Moreira

Concepcao e desenvolvimento de aplicacoes multimedia para visualizacao e comunicacao cientifica (Outreach)

Joao Pequenao

MediaLab team

Alguma experiencia de programacao (vamos usar C#, mas os estudantes so precisam de ter um conhecimento basico de qualquer linguagem)

João Miguel Beleza Pereira Seixas e Sousa

Francisco Manuel Alves Santos Ferreira

André Girbal de Jesus Rebelo dos Santos

Administrative Support: