Abid Patwa Visit @LPC

from Thursday 27 July 2017 (09:00) to Friday 28 July 2017 (18:30)
Fermilab (Sunrise - WH11NE)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
27 Jul 2017
28 Jul 2017
09:00 LPC Coordinators (closed meeting) - Cecilia Gerber (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) Boaz Klima (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Meet with LPC Distinguished Researchers (until 12:30) (Sunrise - WH11NE)
10:30 Brief Introductions - All DRs   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:00 Precision Timing for CMS Phase 2 Upgrades & Monte Carlo Integration with Deep Learning - Josh Bendavid (CERN)   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:15 Dark Matter and L1 Tracking Trigger for Phase 2 - Marco Trovato (Northwestern University) Marco Trovato (Northwestern University (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:30 Search for the Higgs Decay to Bottom Quarks through Associated VH Production - Sean-Jiun Wang (University of Florida (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:45 Searches for new Physics using di-leptons & HLT tracking with the Phase 1 pixel detector - Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
12:00 Higgs to bb and Pixel-Phase-II R&D - Caterina Vernieri (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
Meetings with USCMS groups or individuals (until 10:30) (Sunrise - WH11NE)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Meet with LPC Residents (until 13:00) (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:00 Top squark search with top-tagging and HCAL HE Phase 1 Upgrade - Nathaniel Joseph Pastika (Baylor University (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:15 Exotic searches with 3rd generation quarks, jet substructure, and the CMS phase-1 forward pixel upgrade - James William Dolen (State University of New York at buffalo (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:30 ttbar spin-correlations and top quark polarization in dileptonic channel & Phase II Tracker Validation Releases - Altan Cakir (Istanbul Technical University (TR))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
11:45 HCAL HF Phase 1 Upgrade and ttbar+gamma cross section measurement - Daniel Noonan (Florida Institute of Technology (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
12:00 All-hadronic Z’->tt search, Phase 1 Forward Pixel Upgrade and High Granularity Calorimeter - Maral Alyari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
12:15 Jet Substructure at the LPC -- Building New Algorithms and Searching for New Physics - Justin Pilot (University of California Davis (US))   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Grad Students and Postdocs   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---
15:30 USCMS PI Discussion with Dr. Patwa (DOE)   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
Meetings with USCMS groups or individuals (until 18:30) (Sunrise - WH11NE)
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Conclusions (Closed meeting)   (Sunrise - WH11NE)
Meeting with Fermilab CMS management - Kevin Burkett (until 17:00) (Sunrise - WH11NE)