16–20 Oct 2017
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Managing cloudy dCache storage pools with Ansible.

19 Oct 2017, 11:35


1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan 36°09'01.0"N 140°04'28.1"E 36.150290, 140.074485
Storage & Filesystems Storage and file systems


Ulf Bobson Severin Tigerstedt (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))


NDGF-T1 is transferring the dCache storage to a model whese dCache is no longer run by the sysadmin but run as a normal user. This enables centralized management of the software versions and their configs.
This automation is done with 3 roles in Ansible and a playbook to tie them together.
The end result is software running in an environment much like the cloud.

Desired length 10 minutes

Primary author

Ulf Bobson Severin Tigerstedt (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))

Presentation materials