8:00 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
Atsushi Manabe
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
(until 10:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Welcome to KEK
Yasuhiro Okada
9:20 AM
Logistics information
Tomoaki Nakamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
9:30 AM
The HEPiX workshop series
Helge Meinhard
9:40 AM
Edoardo Martelli
9:50 AM
The HPSS User Forum (HUF)
Jim Gerry
10:00 AM
Storage and file systems
(until 10:30 AM)
10:00 AM
Particulate magnetic tape for data storage and future technologies
- Mr
Masahito Oyanagi
(Recording Media Research Laboratories, Fujifilm Corporation)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Site reports
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
KEK Site Report
Atsushi Manabe
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
11:15 AM
Tokyo Tier-2 Site Report
Tomoe Kishimoto
(University of Tokyo (JP))
11:30 AM
Australia site report
- Mr
Sean Crosby
(University of Melbourne (AU))
11:45 AM
ASGC Site Report
- Mr
Eric YEN
12:00 PM
IHEP Site Report
- Mr
Xiaowei Jiang
12:15 PM
KR-KISTI-GSDC-01 Tier-1 Site Reports
Jeongheon Kim
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
8:30 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
Site reports
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
CERN Site Report
Jerome Belleman
9:15 AM
PIC report
Jose Flix Molina
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
9:30 AM
BNL RACF Site Report
Ofer Rind
9:45 AM
INFN-T1 site report
- Mr
Andrea Chierici
10:00 AM
KIT Site Report
Andreas Petzold
10:15 AM
RAL Site Report
Martin Bly
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Site reports
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
NDGF Site Report
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
11:15 AM
PDSF Site Report and Transition
Tony Quan
11:30 AM
Swiss National Supercomputing Centre - T2 Site Report
Dario Petrusic
(Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
11:45 AM
AGLT2 Site Report
Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
12:00 PM
US ATLAS SWT2 Site Report
Horst Severini
(University of Oklahoma (US))
12:15 PM
University of Wisconsin-Madison CMS T2 site report
Ajit Kumar Mohapatra
(University of Wisconsin Madison (US))
8:30 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
Site reports
(until 9:30 AM)
9:00 AM
DESY site report
Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch
9:15 AM
GSI Site Report
- Mr
Jan Trautmann
(GSI Darmstadt)
9:30 AM
Computing and batch systems
(until 10:45 AM)
9:30 AM
Integrating HPC and HTC at BNL -- a year later
- Dr
Tony Wong
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9:55 AM
Techlab update
Romain Wartel
10:20 AM
HEPiX Benchmarking Working Group - Status Report October 2017
Manfred Alef
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
10:45 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:15 AM
Computing and batch systems
(until 12:40 PM)
11:15 AM
Running Jobs Everywhere: an Overview of Batch Services at CERN
Jerome Belleman
11:25 AM
Migration from Grid Engine to HTCondor
Thomas Finnern
11:50 AM
Migrating a WLCG tier-2 to a Cray XC-50 at CSCS-LCG2
Francesco Giovanni Sciacca
(Universitaet Bern (CH))
12:15 PM
Optimising the resource needs for the LHC computing: ideas for a common approach
Andrea Sciaba
8:30 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
Networking and security
(until 10:40 AM)
9:00 AM
EGI CSIRT: Keeping EGI Secure
Vincent Brillault
9:25 AM
Security update
Romain Wartel
9:50 AM
Current Status and Future Directions of KEK Computer Security
- Dr
Fukuko Yuasa
10:15 AM
Security: case study
Vincent Brillault
Romain Wartel
10:40 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
Storage and file systems
(until 12:40 PM)
11:10 AM
Storage for Science at CERN
- Dr
Giuseppe Lo Presti
11:35 AM
Managing cloudy dCache storage pools with Ansible.
Ulf Bobson Severin Tigerstedt
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
11:50 AM
Cloud storage with the Dynafed data federator
- Dr
Marcus Ebert
(University of Victoria)
12:15 PM
The Outlook for Archival Storage at CERN
Michael Davis
8:30 AM
--- Registration ---
9:00 AM
End-user services and operating systems
(until 10:30 AM)
9:00 AM
Modernising CERN document conversion service.
Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio
9:25 AM
A user portal at CCINP3
Renaud Vernet
(CC-IN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
9:50 AM
Continuous Integration for Linux Images
Jerome Belleman
10:15 AM
Stefan Haller
(GSI Darmstadt)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
End-user services and operating systems
(until 11:25 AM)
11:00 AM
First experience with SELinux
Michel Jouvin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
11:25 AM
Clouds, virtualisation, grids
(until 11:50 AM)
11:25 AM
Cloud deployment at KEK
Wataru Takase
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
Wataru Takase
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
11:50 AM
(until 12:15 PM)
11:50 AM
Workshop wrap-up
Helge Meinhard
12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
--- Sponsor session ---
2:00 PM
Networking and security
(until 3:40 PM)
2:00 PM
The LHCONE network
- Mr
Vincenzo Capone
2:25 PM
WLCG/OSG Networking Update
Marian Babik
2:50 PM
The TransPAC project
Andrew Lee
(Indiana University)
3:15 PM
AutoGOLE bringing high speed data transfers
Joe Mambretti
(Northwestern University)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Networking and security
(until 5:50 PM)
4:10 PM
Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform
Joe Mambretti
(Northwestern University)
4:35 PM
NetSage, a unified network measurement and visualization service
Andrew Lee
(Indiana University)
5:00 PM
Tier-1 networking cost and optimizations
Erik Mattias Wadenstein
5:25 PM
Network Functions Virtualisation Working Group Proposal
Marian Babik
5:50 PM
Computing and batch systems
(until 6:15 PM)
5:50 PM
HEP Community White Paper
Michel Jouvin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
7:00 PM
--- Welcome reception for HEPiX, HUF and LHCOPN/LHCONE ---
12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
--- Sponsor session ---
2:00 PM
Networking and security
(until 3:30 PM)
2:00 PM
Recent network connectivity around KEK
Soh Suzuki
2:20 PM
Network related updates in IHEP
- Mr
zhihui sun
(Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2:40 PM
Netbench –testing network devices with real-life traffic patterns
Stefan Nicolae Stancu
3:05 PM
Deployment of IPv6-only CPU on WLCG - an update from the HEPiX IPv6 Working Group
Dave Kelsey
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Networking and security
(until 5:40 PM)
4:00 PM
Using Configuration Management to deploy and manage network services
Quentin Barrand
4:25 PM
Follow-up about Wi-Fi service enhancement at CERN
Vincent Ducret
4:50 PM
Configuration automation for CERN's new Wi-Fi infrastructure
Quentin Barrand
5:15 PM
Firewall Load-Balancing solution at CERN
Vincent Ducret
6:00 PM
--- Board meeting ---
12:40 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
IT facilities
(until 2:25 PM)
2:00 PM
Hot days with no mechanical cooling data center
Cary Whitney
2:25 PM
Clouds, virtualisation, grids
(until 3:30 PM)
2:25 PM
Singularity at the RACF/SDCC
Christopher Hollowell
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
2:50 PM
Running HEP Payloads on Distributed Clouds
Rolf Seuster
(University of Victoria (CA))
3:10 PM
Using Docker containers for scientific environments - on-premises and in the cloud
Sergey Yakubov
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Networking and security
(until 5:15 PM)
4:00 PM
Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) at CERN
- Mr
Rodrigo Sierra
4:25 PM
Fancy Networking
Tristan Suerink
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
4:50 PM
Network Automation for Intrusion Detection System
Adam Lukasz Krajewski
5:15 PM
Storage and file systems
(until 5:50 PM)
5:15 PM
Ian Collier
5:40 PM
WLCG archival storage group
Helge Meinhard
7:00 PM
--- Banquet for HEPiX and LHCOPN/LHCONE ---
12:40 PM
--- Lunch break ---
1:30 PM
--- Sponsor session ---
2:00 PM
Basic IT services
(until 3:40 PM)
2:00 PM
Securing Elasticsearch for free: integration with SSO and Kerberos at CC-IN2P3
Fabien Wernli
2:25 PM
On Server Management Interface (BMC)
Alexandru Grigore
2:50 PM
riemann: a different stream processor
Fabien Wernli
3:15 PM
Integrated Monitoring results at IHEP
- Mr
Qingbao Hu
3:40 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Basic IT services
(until 6:00 PM)
4:10 PM
Wigner Datacenter's new software defined datacenter architecture
- Mr
Zoltan Szeleczky
(Wigner Datacenter)
4:35 PM
CSNS HPC Platform Based on SLURM
- Mr
Yakang LI
5:00 PM
Updates from Database Services at CERN
Andrei Dumitru
5:25 PM
Deployment and monitoring for distributed computing sites
Wei Zheng
5:50 PM
Automatic shutdown of servers in case of A/C failure
Peter Gronbech
(University of Oxford (GB))
1:00 PM
--- KEK facility visit ---