16–20 Oct 2017
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Cloud storage with the Dynafed data federator

19 Oct 2017, 11:50


1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan 36°09'01.0"N 140°04'28.1"E 36.150290, 140.074485
Storage & Filesystems Storage and file systems


Dr Marcus Ebert (University of Victoria)


We describe our use of the Dynafed data federator with cloud computing resources. Dynafed (developed by CERN IT) allows a dynamic data federation, based on the webdav protocol, with the possibility to have a single name space for data distributed over all available sites. It also allows a failover to another copy of a file in case the connection to the closest file location gets interrupted which makes it very robust and reliable in usage.
Specifically, we report on the challenges and progress on the implementation within the ATLAS and Belle II experiments, the implementation of GRID based authentication and authorization, and the use of S3 storage with Dynafed.

Desired length 20 minutes

Primary author

Dr Marcus Ebert (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials