Soh Suzuki
Last year, KEK had upgraded the upstream link to 100Gbps in Apr.
then officially started the peer with LHCONE since Sep.
Then KEK can distribute huge data to WLCG sites by adequate
throughput altough this upgrade didn't made large impact on
the firewalls for the ordinary internet usage from the campus
We will report changes by the LHCONE peer and
how we connect our campus network and computing resources,
and the data acquisition system for Belle II that will be
a major source of rawdata on our computing resource.
Desired length | 15 |
Soh Suzuki
Fukuko YUASA
Tomoaki Nakamura
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
Go Iwai
Takanori Hara
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
Ryosuke ITOH
Tomoyuki Konno
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)