5–7 Jun 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Anneal induced transforms of radiation defects in hadron and electron irradiated Si

7 Jun 2017, 13:40


AGH UST Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow, Poland


Ms Dovile Meskauskaite (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research)


The anneal induced transforms of radiation defects have been studied in n-type and p-type CZ and FZ Si. The samples were irradiated with high energy electrons (6.6 MeV), protons (26 GeV/c) and pions (300 MeV/c) by fluences up to 5×1016 cm−2. In order to identify the prevailing radiation defects and to trace their evolution during thermal treatments, measurements of temperature dependent carrier trapping lifetime (TDTL) spectroscopy was combined with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The dominant radiation defects and their transform paths under isothermal and isochronal anneals have been revealed.


Ms Dovile Meskauskaite (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Prof. Eugenijus Gaubas (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Dr Tomas Ceponis (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Dr Jevgenij Pavlov (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Dr Vytautas Rumbauskas (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Prof. Juozas Vaitkus (Vilnius University, Institute of Applied Research) Dr Michael Moll (CERN ) Dr Federico Ravotti (CERN) Dr Christian Gallrapp (CERN)

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