5–7 Jun 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Effect of nitrogen doping on characteristics of pad detectors irradiated with high proton fluences

7 Jun 2017, 14:00


AGH UST Al. Mickiewicza 30 30-059 Krakow, Poland


Prof. Paweł Kamiński (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology)


The current-voltage characteristics of pad detectors made on high-resistivity FZ Si wafers and irradiated with 23-MeV protons are compared. The studies were performed using the detectors with the active region material of various properties: N-free, N-rich, and O-rich. The nitrogen was introduced during the growth of FZ Si crystal used for producing the substrate wafers. The oxygen was incorporated by the in-diffusion at 1150 oC for 24 h from the oxide layer deposited in the process of detectors fabrication. The detectors were irradiated with the proton fluences of 5E13, 1E14, 5E14, 1E15, and 5E15 n(eq)/cm^2. It is shown that after the irradiation with each of these fluences, the active region material of detectors becomes semi-insulating with nearly the intrinsic resistivity. The leakage current is dependent either on the proton fluence or on the material properties. For the lower fluences, 5E13 and 1E14 n(eq)/cm^2, the minimal values of the leakage current are observed for the N-rich material, while for the higher fluences, 5E14 and 1E15 n(eq)/cm^2, the minimal values of the leakage current are observed for the O-rich material. The results of infrared absorption measurements indicate that the concentration of N-N pairs in nitrogen-enriched FZ Si decreases with increasing the fluence above 5E14 n(eq)/cm^2. The properties and concentrations of radiation defect centers in the material of detectors active region have been studied by HRPITS technique. The dependences of the centers concentrations as a function of the proton fluence are demonstrated.

Primary author

Prof. Paweł Kamiński (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology)


Dr Kozłowski Roman (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology) Mrs Barbara Surma (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology) Dr Kozubal Michał (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology) Mr Maciej Wodzyński (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology) Dr Alexander Dierlamm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Dr Christian Hindrichsen (Topsil GlobalWafers A/S) Mr Leif Jensen (Topsil GlobalWafers A/S) Mr Ralf Roeder (CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik GmbH) Dr Kevin Lauer (CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik GmbH) Mr Kwestarz Michał (Topsil Semiconductors sp. z o. o.)

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