Results obtained with recent productions of thin n-in-p pixel sensors designed at MPP will be presented. Sensors of 100 and 150 um thickness have been produced at CiS and HLL and were measured before and after interconnection to FE-I4 chips. A modified FE-I4 compatible sensor with a pixel size of 50x250um2 including smaller pixel implants of 50x50um2 was designed to derive prediction on the performance of the 50x50 and 25x100 um2 pixel cells foreseen for the HL-LHC. Charge collection and electric field properties of the different sensor types were obtained by the edge Transient Current Technique (e-TCT) for not irradiated sensors and different irradiation levels up to 1e16 in the entire thickness range. The performance of the sensors in terms of charge collection (obtained by source scan measurements and beam tests) after interconnection will be compared to the e-TCT results.