The ATLAS Irradiation Facility at the University of Birmingham uses 27 MeV protons from the MC40 cyclotron to irradiate samples for the HL-LHC upgrade. The facility is also a translational access facility within AIDA-2020 and irradiates a wide variety of samples from various experiments. The fluence delivered to the sample is normalised to a 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence for comparison with other facilities using a hardness factor from literature κ=2.2. Recent measurements at other facilities have found hardness factors which differ from those found in literature. Following guidelines set out by RD50, a preliminary value of κ = 1.6±0.07±0.2 has been evaluated using commerical BPW34F photodiodes . We will present an update on the facility and then focus on the measurements of the hardness factor.