- Eva Vilella Figueras (University of Liverpool (GB))
Results of E-TCT and Sr90 measurements with CMOS detectors produced by different foundries on p-type substrates with different initial resistivities will be presented. With Edge-TCT method the thickness of depleted layer of passive CMOS detectors was estimated and studied as a function of fluence. Collected charge deposited by MIPs from Sr90 source was measured with external amplifier....
Depleted active pixel sensors (DMAPS) are considered for use in outer layers of the upgraded ATLAS pixel detector at HL-LHC. In my talk I will present studies of radiation hardness of a novel low capacitance DMAPS produced by TowerJazz in a 180 nm CMOS process. Charge collection takes place in a high resistivity epitaxial layer, which can be fully depleted even after irradiation. Sensors...
The ATLAS collaboration is studying the possibility to install HV-CMOS devices in the outermost layer of the upgraded pixel detector of the ATLAS ITk for HL-HLC.
For this purpose different technologies are being investigated and different prototypes have already been produced and tested.
IFAE is participating both in design and testing of HV-CMOS devices.
Beam test results of the monolithic...
Due to their capability to integrate the readout electronics on the sensor substrate while providing fast charge collection by drift and high radiation tolerance levels of 10E15 neq/cm2, High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) detectors are being developed for their use or potential use in particle physics applications such as the Mu3e experiment, the ATLAS ITk upgrade and CLIC. Despite their fast charge...