21–25 May 2018
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone


The Proceedings of ISVHECRI 2018 will be published in the European Physics Journal (EPJ) (www.epj-conferences.org). 

In preparing your papers we ask you to follow the guidelines provided by EPJ in the https://www.epj-conferences.org/for-authors  using the LaTeX2e two column variant. 

Due to publishing costs and the number of papers presented at the Symposium we have agreed to limit the size of contributions as follows: 

  • max. 8 pages for 30-35 min. talk, 
  • max. 6 pages for 25 min. talk and
  • max. 4 pages for 20 min. talks and for poster presentations

Please note that

  • submissions using LaTeX are preferred to Word files
  • the woctitle is \woctitle{ISVHECRI 2018}
  • we use the two column document class \documentclass[epj,twocolumn]{webofc}

Would authors please remember to include all files used in preparing their papers (TeX, diagrams, figures etc as well as a camera-ready pdf and your License Agreement) as these are required by the editors and ultimately have to be submitted to the Publishers. 

You are kindly requested to submit your contributions by 30 September 2018 to isvhecri2018@isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp

Thank you.

Local Organizing Committee
24 May 2018

Some info

  • EPJ License Agreemnt form
  • The collaboration list 
    we suggest to list all the author names in the manuscript. The author list in a big collaboration, however can be shortened such as "XXX for the YYY collaboration". In this case, please provide a reference of the author list, for example, to a web page, if it is available.
    A tip for Latex) 
    \author{"Your name"\inst{1}\fnsep\thanks{\email{"Your email address"}} for "Your Collaboration Name" \thanks{\protect\url{"URL of your collaboration list if it's available"}}}


Request of printed proceedings

Please provide your full “REACHABLE” postal address for shipment of the printed proceedings from the following web-page link if you want to have them. We plan to ship them in the middle of 2019.

Request submission: https://indico.cern.ch/event/639198/registrations/42693/
                                 (It will be closed on September 30, 2018)

Note) We will send the printed proceedings ONLY to participants who request it and provide the address from the web-site before September 30, 2018.