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16–18 Oct 2017
America/Chicago timezone

CheckMATE Tutorial

17 Oct 2017, 11:30
One West (WH1W) (Fermilab)

One West (WH1W)


Tools tutorials


Dr Jong Soo Kim (National Institute for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of the Witwatersrand)


I will give a short and easy tutorial into the CheckMATE program that allows models of new physics to be easily tested against the recent LHC data. CheckMATE now integrates the Monte Carlo event generation via Madgraph and Pythia 8. This allows users to go directly from a SLHA file or UFO model to the result of whether a model is allowed or not. I will show how to use CheckMATE with event files as input as well as with Madgraph and Pythia in a simple BSM setup.

Presentation Not sure yet

Primary author

Dr Jong Soo Kim (National Institute for Theoretical Physics, School of Physics and Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of the Witwatersrand)

Presentation materials