9–14 Jun 2019
Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Venue and events

The conference will take place at the Balaton Limnological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (http://www.blki.hu/vendeghaz/index_en.html)

Address: 8237 Tihany, Klebelsberg Kuno u. 3., Hungary


Welcome party (9 June, Sunday, in the Guesthouse)

19:00 - 22:00: hot dishes, served continuously as you arrive [soup: Hungarian mushroom soup; main dishes: beef stew with tarragon, pork with pasta, chicken breast grilled with ragout, french casserole (vegetarian), pickles; dessert: mixed flavored strudel]


Conference dinner (12 June, Wednesday)

18:30: Departure from the Guesthouse Reception with the sightseeing train. It will take us up to the abbey through the peninsula

19:00: Sightseeing walk with tourguide in Tihany (http://www.tihany.hu/index.php/en/)

[Tihany Abbey: The Benedictine monastery at Tihany was established in 1055 by King Andrew I of Hungary (r. 1046–1060). King Andrew was buried in the church of the monastery in 1060. His tomb in the crypt of the church is only grave of a medieval King of Hungary which has been preserved until now.]

19:30: Free time

20:00: Dinner at Echo Restaurant. Address: Tihany, Visszhang domb 23. (https://echoetterem.hu/en). The expected menu is below:

  • Cold plate for wine (Artisan cheese selection, Creams, Home made bread, Pumpkin seed oil, Olive oil)
  • Appetizer: Grilled Goose liver served on sweet milk loaf caramelized apples and coriander-honey ray [Vegetarian: Seasonal fruit soup]
  • Main course: Beef steak (sirloin), grilled vegetable, charcoal soft cheese, lavender jus [Vegetarian: Tihany salad, seitan (raspberry vinegar, fresh fruit, nuts with caramel)]
  • Dessert: Lavender cream cake, [Gluten free: Nutella mousse]

Please keep in mind that there will be no organized transportation back to your accommodation. (For those in the Guesthouse: it is a 15 mins walk downhill.)



Map of venue and events



Weather forecast; Precipitation (live)