The RPC system covers the barrel region of the ATLAS muon spectrometer in the
pseudo-rapidity range of |eta|<1.05 with six independent detector layers, and
solely provides the L1 trigger signal and the track coordinate in the
non-bending plane of the muon candidates.
The system has been designed to operate up to the nominal LHC luminosity
(1e34cm-2s-1) which has been already exceeded thanks to the excellent performance of the collider.
The experience in operating the present RPC system, up to the maximum
instantaneous luminosity of 2.05 x 1e34 cm-2 s-1 reached in 2017, is reported.
The performance of the system, in the severe background and pileup conditions of
the last data taking period, is presented together with the improved tools
implemented in order to have an effective monitoring of the detector status.
The plans to successfully operate the present system during the HL-LHC phase are
also introduced.