19–23 Feb 2018
Other Institutes
America/Mexico_City timezone

Simulation and optimization of RPCs read-out panel used in high-rate experiment

20 Feb 2018, 09:40
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco State, MEXICO Organized by Universidad Iberoamericana, UNAM, BUAP & CINVESTAV
Poster Session Poster Session


Elio Alunno Camelia (INFN e Università Roma Tor Vergata)


With the upgrade of the RPCs and the increase of its performances, the study and the optimization of the read-out panel is necessary in order to maintain the signal integrity and to reduce the intrinsic crosstalk.
Through Electromagnetic Simulation, performed with CST Studio Suite, new panels design are tested and their crosstalk property are studied.
The behavior of different type of panel is shown, in particular a panel with
grounded strips between the signal strips is presented,
furthermore a panel with this strip connected through their characteristic impedance to the ground plane is simulated to try to minimize the crosstalk signal.


Elio Alunno Camelia (INFN e Università Roma Tor Vergata) Roberto Cardarelli (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))


Dr Alessandro Caltabiano (INFN e Università Tor Vergata) Luca Pizzimento (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) Salvatore Bruno (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) Lorenzo Massa (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) Dr Alessandro Rocchi (INFN e Università Roma Tor Vergata)

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