High Luminosity / High Rate
- Giulio Aielli (INFN e Universita Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
A new type of RPC chamber prototype, consisting of a triplet of 50x100 cm^2 RPCs, having 1 mm gas gap, 1.2 mm electrodes and new high sensitivity front end electronics, has been designed for the HL-LHC ATLAS upgrade program. Beam test of this prototype chamber was performed in GIF++ using 100 GeV muons and a 14 TBq 137Cs gamma source to simulate the HL-LHC environment. The amplified analog...
In the future Phase-2 LHC runs, LHC instantaneous luminosity will reach a maximum value of 7×10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 and the CMS muon system will be extended up to η (pseudo rapidity) region of 2.4 where the expected maximum particle rate is 600 Hz cm^-2. In view of the expected background conditions, we have studied high-sensitive thin phenolics double-gap RPC models to improve the rate capability...
In the next decades, the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will run at very high luminosity (5*10^34 cm^-2 s^-1). During this period the CMS RPC system will be subjected to high background conditions which could affect the performance inducing aging effects. A dedicated consolidation program is ongoing which must certify the present CMS RPC system for the HL-LHC running period. At the CERN Gamma...