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GIF++ installation and schedule meeting

892/1-D20 (CERN)



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Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN)


Martin J. (EP-DT)













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    • 09:15 09:20
      Review of beam weeks operation 5m
    • 09:20 09:30
      Plans for upcoming week 10m

      Thursday (today):

      Access at 10h for beampipe installation.

      LHCb access in shadow,

      later today possibility for 30 minute access.

      CMS-CSC filter scan : downstream 6.9 - until 19h


      Plan for next week  Wednesday:

      Wednesday normal access, no opening of bunker blocks

    • 09:30 09:45
      Muon Beam Time GIF 15m

      Planning of the dedicated muon beam time periods during 2017

      • Planning for upcoming beam times 5m

        Planning for the July, August and October bemtime

      • Report from Downstream Field 5m
      • Report from Upstream Field 5m
    • 09:45 09:55
      New requests for tests at GIF 10m

      introduction, goal of the test, plan, needs

      One new request :  Hartmut Hillemanns , details to be  specified

    • 09:55 10:10
      Infrastructure & Upgrades to the Facility 15m

      Improvements needed or planned for the facility.

      Speakers: Giuseppe Pezzullo (CERN), Martin Richard Jaekel (CERN)

      Ongoing Projects :

      • Upgrade of GIF Control System - Initial list submitted to DT controls group

      You can subscribe to the calendar with the following link (to be added in you calendar application)

      • Requirements during YETS and LS2 5m

        Operation during long shutdowns

      • Upcoming Interventions 5m

        Material Door, cooling perturbations,

        To be scheduled :


        Move of Gas Rack to final power

        Installation & Commissioning of the gas detection  - 1 week full stop of GIF - delayed - now timescale yet
        Bunker door  - new door (3.2m high) agreed - installation "after summer"

    • 10:10 10:20
      Announcements 10m
      • New Announcements 5m

        Cabling works for GIF++ gas detection system agreed by all the users.

        Intervention will start on Monday April 24th  and will finish on Wednesday April 26th with Thursday  April 27th of contingency. 

         - No need to open the false floor !!! 

      • IMPACTS for 2017 5m

        Guidelines for filling in IMPACT requests

        Guideline : One IMPACT per setup.

        • two chambers on individual supports -> 2 IMPACT declarations
        • multiple chambers swapped on same or similar support -> one IMPACT declaration
        • basically, if you need two locations, please make two IMPACT declaration (clone)

        Each Setup should have IMPACT label attached with number.
        Attached documents : CAD file  or  picture.
        Review working hours : if your declaration includes the bunker area, please state the number of hours you want to stay INSIDE the bunker only (for RP purposes). If your work is outside, please state the whole number of hours.

      • AOB 5m

        New gas bill

        Gas  bill 2016 : please note that the EP-DT budget for GIF does not cover consumables.
        Gas used at the GIF++ will have to be paid by the consumer. We will start the TID's soon.

        Question from Barbara : How is the Argon/CO2 provided, and will this be charged to the user.
        To be clarified with Roberto & Fred.

        O2 contamination study - Roberto to comment.