The suppression of heavy quarkonia states in heavy-ion collisions is a phenomenon understood as a consequence of QGP formation in the hot, dense system produced in high-energy heavy ion collisions. A full assessment of the physics scenario requires a detailed study of effects present in Pb+Pb, in comparison to $pp$ collisions. Using Pb+Pb data collected in 2015 at the LHC by the ATLAS experiment at $\sqrt{s_{_\mathrm{NN}}}$=5.02 TeV we have studied prompt and non-prompt $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2S)$ productions via their di-muon decay channel. In this poster, ATLAS will present in detail how the separation of prompt and non-prompt signal is performed, as well as the description of the systematic uncertainties and technical details of the yield and suppression measurements.
Content type | Experiment |
Collaboration | ATLAS |
Centralised submission by Collaboration | Presenter name already specified |