May 13 – 19, 2018
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
The organisers warmly thank all participants for such a lively QM2018! See you in China in 2019!

Modeling QCD phase diagram within chiral relativistic mean field model fitted to $\mu_B=0$ lattice data

May 15, 2018, 5:00 PM
2h 40m
First floor and third floor (Palazzo del Casinò)

First floor and third floor

Palazzo del Casinò

Poster Phase diagram and search for the critical point Poster Session


Mr Anton Motornenko (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)


The SU(3) flavor parity-doublet quark-hadron model is used to investigate the phase diagram of QCD matter. The quark sector of the model is tuned to the $\mu_B=0$ lattice QCD data on trace anomaly. The structure of the baryon number susceptibilities in the temperature/chemical potential plane is studied in some detail.
The model predicts three phase transitions - nuclear first-order liquid-gas phase transition, chiral symmetry restoration, and deconfinement transition.
At $\mu_B=0$, good agreement with the corresponding lattice data is obtained.
The deviations from the free hadron gas baseline in the crossover temperature region at $\mu_B=0$ are mainly attributed to the leftover of the liquid-gas transition in nuclear matter, the chiral phase transition determines the baryon fluctuations at much higher $\mu_B$, and at even higher baryon densities the behavior of fluctuations is controlled by deconfinement transition.

[1] J. Steinheimer, S. Schramm and H. Stoecker, J.Phys. G38, 035001 (2011)
doi:10.1088/0954-3899/38/3/035001 [arXiv:1009.5239 [hep-ph]].
[2] J. Steinheimer, S. Schramm and H. Stoecker, Phys. Rev. C 84, 045208 (2011)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.84.045208 [arXiv:1108.2596 [hep-ph]].
[3] A. Mukherjee, J. Steinheimer and S. Schramm, Phys. Rev. C 96, no. 2, 025205 (2017)
doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.96.025205 [arXiv:1611.10144 [nucl-th]].
[4] V. Vovchenko, L. Jiang, M. I. Gorenstein and H. Stoecker, arXiv:1711.07260 [nucl-th].

Content type Theory
Centralised submission by Collaboration Presenter name already specified

Primary author

Mr Anton Motornenko (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)


Presentation materials