- Riccardo Maria Bianchi (University of Pittsburgh (US))
A summary of what we proposed in the CWP in terms of common development work for the future and how we can proceed:
- potential common base packages
- server-client architecture as a possible solution to circumvent the issues of data access (in-framework tools) and limited/skimmed data (standalone tools)
The main problems in visualizing the particle collision events are the amount of data needed for good visualization and the need for high-performance graphical hardware. To overcome the need of sending the large amount of data to the end-user as well as need for high-performance graphical hardware, we propose the hybrid rendering solution which renders the final image in two parts: (1) highly...
Development and deployment of a new virtual-reality educational tool for physics students (and for public outreach) in which the user experiences and interacts with the animated timeline of GEANT4-generated electron-positron collision events in the Belle II apparatus at the KEK laboratory in Japan. Lessons learned during the project and future plans.
Open discussion on ideas for next steps towards possible joint projects and collaborations between HEP experiments.
Preparation for the Phase-2 of the CWP process: "After the CWP".