16–18 Nov 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone

Generation of a shallow donor after 6, 15 and 900 MeV electron irradiation

16 Nov 2009, 16:35
TE Auditorium (CERN)

TE Auditorium



alexandra junkes (Hamburg University)


This work focuses on the generation of the shallow donor level E30K after 6, 15 and 900 MeV electron irradiation in n-type FZ diodes. The E30K is known to be a cluster related defect which plays a key role in the understanding of non-type inversion of epitaxial diodes after high proton fluences. We found that the generation of E30K is suppressed for increasing electron energies. This suggests a more point like character of the defect. Defect concentrations were obtained by means of thermally stimulated current technique for several electron fluences.


alexandra junkes (Hamburg University)


Mr Eckhart Fretwurst (Hamburg University) Mr Gunnar Lindström (Hamburg University) Mrs Ioana Pintilie (NIMP, Bucharest-Margurele)

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