16–18 Nov 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone

Annealing of Charge Collection Efficiency in highly irradiated MCz-n strip detectors.

17 Nov 2009, 15:00
TE Auditorium (CERN)

TE Auditorium



Mr Nicola Pacifico (CERN & Universita degli Studi di Bari)


MCz p-readout strip detectors, irradiated to sLHC foreseen fluences, were characterized through Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) measurements at different isothermal annealing steps. Though n-readout detectors have shown so far remarkable CCE performances, engineering issues (e.g. strip insulation) make them a less reliable alternative to n-readout sensors. The results of this study are compared with existing studies on CCE of different materials already published in literature to evaluate the possibility to consider the MCz p-in-n as a feasible alternative to n-readout detectors for the sLHC tracking system upgade.


Mr Nicola Pacifico (CERN & Universita degli Studi di Bari)

Presentation materials