Ricardo Marco Hernandez
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC)-Universitat de Valencia-U)
17/11/2009, 16:50
A short description of all the Alibava system hardware including both the MB and the DB.
Henry Brown
(University of Liverpool)
17/11/2009, 17:10
A brief discussion on known issues with the Alibava system, the most commonly asked questions/complaints about the system, and the macros developed in Liverpool out of our own requirements that are available on the internet.
Eduardo Del Castillo Sanchez
17/11/2009, 17:30
First experiences with the hard and software will be presented.
Michael Breindl
(Freiburg University)
17/11/2009, 17:50
There are two setups in Freiburg with the new ALIBAVA system as a
replacement for the binary ATLAS SCT DAQ for
testing silicon strip detectors (planar and 3D detectors). The first setup
is a beta setup with a radioactive source (Sr90) for charge collection
efficiency measurements and the second one is a laser setup with an
infrared pulsed PicoQuanT laser to investigate the space-resolved...