4–6 Dec 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Absolute standardisation of $^{155}$Tb and precision nuclear data determination: accelerating clinical uptake of novel radioisotopes

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61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room - (CERN)

61/1-201 - Pas perdus - Not a meeting room -


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Andrew Robinson (National Physical Laboratory, UK)



Interest in the element terbium (Tb) for medical application has grown recently [1]. Four Tb isotopes have been identified with the potential to provide unique theragnostic treatment strategies which combine cancer therapy with diagnostic imaging. The isotopes $^{155}$Tb and $^{152}$Tb can provide SPECT and PET imaging respectively [2], whilst $^{161}$Tb can be used for beta− therapy [3] and $^{149}$Tb for alpha therapy [4][5]. Using a combination of these isotopes as labels for radio-pharmaceuticals can provide both pre-therapy diagnostic imaging and post-therapy dosimetry and treatment optimisation using the same delivery vector. In order to validate the use of these isotopes for patient treatments extensive pre-clinical studies [1] are required to provide the foundation for future clinical trials.

The determination of administered activity, traceable to a primary standard of radioactivity is essential for all radio-pharmaceuticals. Accurate nuclear data measurements combined with a primary activity standardisation underpin the clinical use of any radioisotopes.

Samples of $^{155}$Tb were collected with the prototype MEDICIS collection chamber at ISOLDE. At NPL, pseudo-isobaric $^{139}$Ce impurities have removed from the dissolved target using ion-exchange and extraction chromatography separation procedures. A new primary activity standardisation was performed using digital coincidence counting [6] and liquid scintillation techniques. Calibration factors for the NPL secondary standard ionisation chamber were also determined. Gamma spectrometry measurements of the $^{155}$Tb decay scheme and half-life were also performed.

After purification of the sample a detection limit for $^{139}$Ce of < 0.021 % is reported. An absolute activity standardisation for $^{155}$Tb will be reported. Revised gamma-ray intensities for transitions in $^{155}$Tb are reported with significant variations from the ENSDF evaluation [7]. A new half-life measurement is also reported.

The impact of these revised measurements on the clinical use of $^{155}$Tb will be highlighted.

[1] C. Muller et al, J. Nucl. Med. 53, 1951-1959 (2012)
[2] C. Muller et al, Nucl. Med. and Biol. 41, e58-e65 (2014)
[3] S. Lehenberger et al, Nucl. Med. and Biol. 38, 917-924 (2011)
[4] G.J. Beyer et al, EJNMMI 31, 547-554 (2004)
[5] C. Muller et al, Pharmaceuticals 7, 353-365 (2014)
[6] J. Keightley and T. S. Park, Metrologia 44, S32 (2007)
[7] R. A. Meyer et al, Phys. Rev. C 13(4), 2466 (1976)


Andrew Robinson (National Physical Laboratory, UK) Sean Collins (National Physical Laboratory, UK) David Cullen (The University of Manchester, UK) Andrew Fenwick (National Physical Laboratory, UK) Kelley Ferreria (National Physical Laboratory, UK) Dr Peter Ivanov (National Physical Laboratory) John Keightley (National Physical Laboratory, UK) Ulli Koester (Institut Laue-Langevin (FR)) Andy Pearce (National Physical Laboratory, UK) Ben Pietras (The University of Manchester, UK) Emlyn Price (The University of Manchester, UK) The MEDICIS collaboration

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