27–31 Aug 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Zurich timezone

Soft Gluon Evolution and Colour Reconnection

28 Aug 2018, 16:52
POT/151 (TU Dresden)


TU Dresden

Monte Carlo and Resummation Monte Carlo and resummation


Patrick Kirchgaesser


We consider soft gluon evolution of a system of clusters forming the initial state of the cluster hadronziation model, in order to constrain colour reconnection models from a perturbative point of view.
We show that this ansatz produces clusters with properties attributed to
a colour pre-confined state and find strong evidence for formerly investigated colour reconnection models based on geometric properties.
We also explore the possibility of colour flows giving rise to
baryonic clusters and propose a simple parametrization to incorporate the
effects of soft gluon evolution in a full monte carlo event generator.


Stefan Gieseke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Patrick Kirchgaesser Simon Platzer (University of Vienna (AT)) Andrzej Konrad Siodmok (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))

Presentation materials