27–31 Aug 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Zurich timezone

Determination of $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ from a fit of the Z-boson transverse momentum distribution measured by CDF to NNLO+NNLL predictions

28 Aug 2018, 15:15
POT/251 (TU Dresden)


TU Dresden

PDFs, 𝛼ₛ and soft QCD PDFs, 𝛼ₛ and soft QCD


Stefano Camarda (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))


The strong-coupling constant $\alpha_s(m_Z)$ is measured from the transverse momentum distribution of Z bosons measured at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV with the CDF experiment, using predictions based on qt resummation at NNLO+NNLL, as implemented in the DYTURBO program. The measurement is performed through a simultaneous fit of $\alpha_s(m_Z)$, PDFs, and the non-perturbative Sudakov form factor.

Primary authors

Stefano Camarda (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE)) Matthias Schott (CERN / University of Mainz)

Presentation materials