27–31 Aug 2018
TU Dresden
Europe/Zurich timezone

Hard Photons in Hadroproduction of Top Quarks with Realistic Final States

28 Aug 2018, 17:30
POT/251 (TU Dresden)


TU Dresden

Heavy Quarks Heavy Quarks


Torsten Weber (RWTH Aachen University)


We present a complete description of top quark pair production in association with a hard photon in the dilepton channel. Our calculation is accurate to NLO in QCD. It is based on matrix elements for e+νeμ−ν¯μbb¯γ production and includes all resonant and non-resonant diagrams, interferences, and off-shell effects of the top quarks and the W gauge bosons. This calculation constitutes the first full computation for top quark pair production with a final state photon in hadronic collisions at NLO in QCD. Numerical results for total and differential cross sections are presented for the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=13 TeV. For some new physics observables we observe shape distortions of more than 100%. In addition, we confirm that the size of the top quark off-shell effects for the total cross section is consistent with the expected uncertainties of the narrow-width-approximation. Triggered by ongoing experimental analyses, we also report on the cross section ratio to the pp→e+νeμ−ν¯μbb¯ process. Not only is the ratio more stable against radiative corrections but it also has reduced scale dependence as compared to the pp→e+νeμ−ν¯μbb¯γ cross section alone. Thus, it represents an interesting observable to probe new physics at the LHC.


Giuseppe Bevilacqua Heribertus Bayu Hartanto (Durham University) Malgorzata Maria Worek (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) Dr Manfred Kraus (HU Berlin) Torsten Weber (RWTH Aachen University)

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