The parameters of the electroweak theory are determined in a combined electroweak and QCD analysis using all deep-inelastic $e^+p$ and $e^-p$ neutral current and charged current scattering cross sections published by the H1 Collaboration, including data with longitudinally polarised lepton beams. The mass of the $W$ boson in the on-shell scheme is determined as $\mW=80.508\pm 0.115\,\GeV$. The...
The study of the Higgs boson properties is one of the main tasks of contemporary high-energy physics. Among Higgs properties, its interaction with gluons is interesting since it can be facilitated by yet unknown elementary particles. One of the major sources of uncertainty in the theoretical description of $ggH$ coupling originates from mixed QCD-electroweak contributions. The NLO QCD...
In this talk I will present our results on the Higgs plus jet production at the large transverse momentum, that is, above the top mass threshold. In particular, it will be shown how corresponding two-loop amplitudes were computed in approximation of nearly massless top quarks.
In this talk I show that the $Z$ boson polarization has relevant information to distinguish the signal $pp \to ZH$, $H \to b\bar{b}$ from the dominant background $Zb\bar{b}$, which is part of the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^2)$ correction to the Drell-Yan $Z$ production, and can help us to finally observe the largest Higgs boson branching ratio.
In this talk, I review recent theoretical developments for VBS processes at the LHC.
This talk describe recent results on the measurement of the Electroweak production of V and VV + jets.
New Results on Vector Boson Scattering Processes with the ATLAS Detector
Measurements of the cross sections of the vector-boson scattering processes at the LHC constitute stringent tests of the electroweak sector of the Standard Model and provide a model-independent means to search for new physics at the TeV scale. The ATLAS collaboration observed the electroweak production of WZ and...
The production of Higgs boson pairs (HH) offers a unique opportunity to explore the structure of the Higgs field potential through the determination of the Higgs boson self interaction. Despite being an extremely rare process, with a predicted cross section of about 33 fb at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, variations of the Higgs couplings, or the presence of heavy resonances, might enhance...
Several theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of additional neutral or charged Higgs particles, as well as decays of the Higgs boson that are either forbidden or strongly suppressed in the SM.Results from selected recent searches for additional Higgs bosons in different production processes and decay modes, and for BSM decays of the 125 GeV-Higgs boson will be presented.
QCD Issues in Searches for New Physics with the ATLAS Detector
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC has a broad search program covering a wide variety of models of physics beyond the Standard Model, from simplified models to UV complete models like supersymmetry. In many searches, the final states include one or more hadronic object, and QCD constitutes a crucial background, the control and...