17:15 Start-to-end simulations for laser driven external injection (A. R. Rossi) 15+5
17:35 Start-to-end simulations with comb technique for PWFA (A. Marocchino) 15+5
17:55 Data analysis and relevant beam parameters calculation (A.R. Rossi) 15+5
18:15 Overall discussions (Phi Nghiem) (20 min)
18:35 WP7 beams and positrons (R. Walczak) 15+5
10:30 Laser requirements for resonant scheme (P. Tomassini)
10:50 Stabilization requirements (Z. Mazzotta)
11:10 Synchronization (P. Koester)
11:30 Laser specifications: Discussion (all)
12:00 Infrastructure: Discussion (all)
12:20 WP2-WP3 interactions (P. Nghiem)
14:00 Review EuPRAXIA Laser Specifications (Z. Mazzotta)
14:30 Discussion (all)
15:00 Preliminary results on the modeling of an optical injector (G. Maynard)
with an experimental laser profile
15:15 WP2-WP4 interactions (P. Nghiem)
Discussion introduction: proposed implementation schemes for 2 plasma stages (Eupraxia report MS3.2) and stability requirements (T. Audet, LPGP)
LPA Injector at 150 MeV : status & simulation updates (P. Lee/G Maynard, LPGP)
Effect of injection process on divergence and emittance (Petra Koester, INO).
LPA accelerator at 5 GeV: status, Laser parameters, Progress on plasma sources
Laser plasma...
Guido TOCI, Preliminary laser design with Ti:Sa (20 min)
Paul MASON, Progress on technology develop. for higher PRF pump operation (15 min)
Franck FALCOZ, P60 with diode pumping (15 min)
Andy BAYRAMIAN, Tm:YLF based architecture (20 min) Francois MATHIEU, Recent progress on XCAN (15 min)
Petra KOESTER, Preliminary design of transverse functions (15 min)
Zeudi MAZZOTTA, Transport and...
WP leaders, 1 slide each