1–2 Feb 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERN History Project Organizing Committee (James Gillies, Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Afroditi Anastasaki, Panagiotis Charitos, Theodore Arabatzis, Luisa Bonolis)

Underground visit to ALICE / Visit to Synchrocyclotron and SM18

1 Feb 2018, 09:40
2h 50m


CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland


1st group:
09:40-09:45: The group walks to building 39 (CERN hotel reception)
09:45-10:00: The bus takes the group to SM18
10:00-11:00: SM18 visit
11:00-11:10 : The bus takes the group to ALICE
11:10-12:10: ALICE visit
12:10-12:30: The bus takes the group back to building 39

2nd group:
09:40-09:45: The group walks to building 39 (CERN hotel reception)
09:45-10:00: The bus takes the group to ALICE
10:00-11:10: ALICE visit
11:10-11:20: The bus takes the group to SC
11:20-12:05: SC visit
12:05-12:15: The group walks back to the main building.

Presentation materials

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