1–2 Feb 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

CERN History Project Organizing Committee (James Gillies, Emmanuel Tsesmelis, Afroditi Anastasaki, Panagiotis Charitos, Theodore Arabatzis, Luisa Bonolis)

Travel to CERN

How to get to CERN:

Details of how to reach CERN can be found via http://home.web.cern.ch/directions . Please note that, if you are arriving by plane, free bus tickets can be obtained from a machine inside the bagage reclaim hall.

If you wish to use the free shuttle service from Geneva Airport to CERN you can find information about the service and the shuttle timetable via http://gs-dep.web.cern.ch/en/content/Shuttle/Circuit4 .

*Normally, a CERN access card is required, however, since you will receive the latter upon your arrival at CERN, you can show to the driver your official invitation. 

Finding your way around CERN:

In order to find your way around CERN you will find a map at https://maps.cern.ch/mapsearch/ or you can use the Mobile Map app http://gs-dep.web.cern.ch/en/content/gis_mobile for your smartphone or ipad.