Jennifer Thompson
(ITP Heidelberg)
Dark matter scenarios with spin-0 mediators in the s-channel have be tested in well-established processes with missing energy, such as top-pair- and mono-jet-associated production. We suggest electroweak single top production in association with a dark matter pair as an alternative channel. Based on a realistic analysis for the LHC at 13 TeV, we demonstrate how to discriminate between the signal and Standard-Model background using event kinematics. With 300 fb$^{−1}$ (3 ab$^{−1}$) of data, on-shell scalar mediators with a coupling strength gSt = 1 to top quarks can be probed up to masses of 180 (360) GeV. Single-top-associated dark matter production should thus be included as an independent search channel in the LHC dark matter program.
Jennifer Thompson
(ITP Heidelberg)
Tilman Plehn
(Heidelberg University)
Susanne Westhoff
(Heidelberg University)