COFFEE BREAK . . . .... Please during the break visit the Secretariat Desk to obtain Lunch ticket (or "Food Package") If you intend to participate later in the lunch taken together near the History Dept of the Ionian University and you do not got such tickets during registration.
COFFEE BREAK . . . .... Please during the break visit the Secretariat Desk to obtain Lunch ticket (or "Food Package") If you intend to participate later in the lunch taken together near the History Dept of the Ionian University and you do not got such tickets during registration.
Change to History Dept. of Ionian University, I. Theotiki, 72 then Lunch taken together (ticket compulsory)
Change to History Dept. of Ionian University, I. Theotiki, 72 then Lunch taken together (ticket compulsory)
13:05 -
STUDENTS' FORUM - STUDENTS' FORUM - This period allows young colleagues to explain in a short time (15 minutes) a scientific topic they are particulary interested by. Often it is the subjet of their diploma they are working on.
STUDENTS' FORUM - STUDENTS' FORUM - This period allows young colleagues to explain in a short time (15 minutes) a scientific topic they are particulary interested by. Often it is the subjet of their diploma they are working on.
Special Public Lecture :SCIENCE, MYSTERY AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES: A Reflection on a Painting of Schroedinger by Jim MALONE, Robert Boyle Professor (Emeritus) of Medical Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Special Public Lecture :SCIENCE, MYSTERY AND SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES: A Reflection on a Painting of Schroedinger by Jim MALONE, Robert Boyle Professor (Emeritus) of Medical Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland