Nov 6 – 10, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Institute For Medical Physics (IFMP) in association with the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, will organize the 2017 Corfu Workshop in continuation of the long series of Scientific Workshops done since two decades in South-Eastern Europe (recent ones were in Sarajevo 2014, in Shkodra 2014, Ohrid 2015 and Elbasan 2016).

This International Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering workshop in Corfu Island will be devoted to Medical Imaging for diagnosis with emphasis on Hybrid techniques and medical applications for Neurodegenerative diseases. It will be devoted also to Radiation Protection in Medicine  and Innovations in Medical Physics. The workshop will be held in Ionian University from 6 to 10 November 2017 in close collaboration with  IT Department and BiHE laboratory of Ionian University (Panayiotis Vlamos, Katerina Bobori).

The target audience includes senior Medical Physicists as well as young physicists working in the field. They can be from Greece but also from neighboring or distant countries. Lectures will be in English. We hope for free, frank and fruitful discussions during this workshop.

First participants and organizers: Panayiotis Vlamos* (Ionian University, Gr), Yves Lemoigne* (IFMP, Fr), Katerina Bobori* (Ionian University, Gr), Patrick Le Dû* (IPN Lyon,Fr & IEEE, USA), Zeta Theocharopoulou* (Ionian University), Albana Topi* (Siena University, It),Antagoni Avramouli (Ionian University, Gr),   David Townsend (Singapore University, Sg), Palma Altieri (INFN, Bari, It), Thomas Beyer (WMU, At), Vesna Gershan (Skopje University, Skopje, Mk), Maria Gonidi (Ionian University),  Paul Lecoq (CERN, Geneva, Ch), Jim Malone (Trinity College, Dublin, Irl), Sonja Petkovska (ACIBADEM, Skopje, Mk), Antonia Plerou(Ionian University, Gr),  Ivo Rausch (WMU, At), David Townsend (Singapore University, Sg), Aris Vrahatis (PatrasUniversity,Gr)....

* = Organizing Committee

  • To acces the Workshop Program, please click on "Timetable" on the left row of present page. You will have the possibility to select the day you wish to see or all the days together. The Abstract of each talk can be obtained by clicking on the sign attach signplaced to the right of the speaker's name. .


  • Invitations will be obtained on the website: Application is compulsory before October 15th. Special conditions will be made for junior members of IFMP network and IFMP-greise Association of Scientists (Accommodation, lunches..).


  • For more information, please visit our site:, page « Corfu 2017 » or write to

See you soon in Corfu !

Some historical elements:
The building of the Ionian Academy was constructed during the Venetian rule. The Ionian Academy was established primarily thanks to English philhellene Frederick North, Earl of Guildford. Ioannis Karantinos, who had already learnt mathematics with Charles Dupin at the original Ionian Academy established by the French after their institution of the Septinsular Republic (1807–1824), was sent by Lord Guilford to study at the École Polytechnique in Paris, France, in Italy and in England between 1820 and 1823, and became the director of the school of Mathematics at the Academy.
The first schools to operate at the university were: the Law School, the School of Theology, the Medical School, the School of Philosophy, Polytechnic, Obstetrics and  Pharmacy Schools. The Ionian Academy enjoyed such high prestige that students would come from all around Greece to study in Corfu. The academy contributed substantially to the intellectual renaissance of modern Greece during the 19th century. After the Ionian Islands’ unification with Greece in 1864, the Greek government of the time closed down the Ionian Academy. Since then, the central part of the building housed the Historical Public Library of Corfu until 1943, when it was burned down during German air strikes. The building was restored in 1994 to now house the Rectorate of the new Ionian University restaurated during the 20th Century.



History Dept. Ionian University, I. Theotoki, 72, Corfu City, Greece. VENUE: On Monday morning, November 6th, the Workshop will be hosted in the Ionian Academy located at the intersection of the streets Akademias and Kapodistriou. After that the Workshop will be hosted in History Dept. of Ionian University, I. Theotoki, 72, from Monday afternoon 6th November until Friday noon 10th November 2017.

The organisation of Corfu Workshop was possible thanks to financial help from:
-  IN2P3 – CNRS, Paris, France
- Varian Medical Systems International AG, Germany
- IEEE, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-5997 USA
- IFMP-Greise association of European Scientists, Ambilly , France
- Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria
- Clinical Imaging Research Centre, Singapore
- Physique Sans Frontières, Physics without Borders (PSF), Prévessin France

Many thanks to Ionian University in Corfu, Greece, for kindly hosting the Workshop.