Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

19–23 Feb 2018
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Theory Division of Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics will host its fourth "Saha Theory Workshop: Modern Aspects of String Theory” during 19th February to 23rd February, 2018.

The workshop is intended to host long review talks, by leading experts in the field, on four central and currently active themes of cutting edge research in string theory: 

Soft Theorems in Gravity,

Recent Advances in Conformal Bootstrap,

Entanglement & Holography,

SYK Models & Holography.

Technical talks, revolving around these ideas, are also planned. The talks will primarily be given by invited speakers only. Participants interested to attend are requested to apply, through the registration link, indicating explicitly their willingness of delivering a talk. We will make every attempt to accommodate as many requests as possible, with preference to young participants.

The primary goal of the workshop is to bring together the experts and foster collaboration among the participants. We particularly encourage advanced Phd students, Postdocs and young researchers to apply for participation, and every effort will be made by the Organizers to accommodate as many requests as possible. 

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Sector - 1, Block - AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata- 700064 , India Website: