Hadron spectroscopy phenomenology workshop

222/R-001 (CERN)



Show room on map
Lucio Anderlini (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT)), Marco Pappagallo (University of Edinburgh), Sebastian Neubert (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE)), Vanya Belyaev (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))

This micro-Workshop will discuss recent theory progress in hadron spectroscopy. It is a forum to foster the exchange of ideas between phenomenologists and experimentalists.

    • 1
      Hidden-charm and bottom meson-baryon molecules coupled with five-quark states
      Speaker: Elena Santopinto (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
    • 2
      A hidden-charm S=−1 pentaquark from the decay $\Lambda_b\rightarrow J/\psi\Lambda\eta$ and $\Lambda_b\rightarrow J/\psi\Lambda\phi$
      Speakers: Albert Feijoo (Universitat de Barcelona), Prof. Volodymyr Magas (University of Barcelona), Volodymyr Magas (University of Barcelona)
    • 3
      A meson-baryon molecular interpretation for some $\Omega_c$ excited baryons
      Speaker: Angels Ramos (ICCUB, Barcelona)
    • 4
      Molecular $\Omega_c$ states within the local hidden gauge approach
      Speaker: Vinicius Rodrigues Debastiani (IFIC, University of Valencia)
    • 16:25
      Coffee break
    • 5
      Baryons in the Dyson-Schwinger Formalism
      Speaker: Prof. Christian Fischer (JLU Gießen)
    • 6
      Heavy tetraquarks
      Speaker: Vinicius Rodrigues Debastiani (IFIC, University of Valencia)
    • 7
      Cusps in $J\psi\phi$
      Speaker: Eulogio Oset
    • 8
      How to distinguish resonances from cusps in coupled channel systems
      Speakers: Alessandro Pilloni (Syracuse University (US)), Dr Alessandro Pilloni (Jefferson Lab)