CMS Big Data Science Project
FNAL room: Dark Side-WH6NW - Wilson Hall 2nd fl North East
CERN room: 600-R-002
Instructions to create a light-weight CERN account to join the meeting via Vidyo:
If not possible, people can join the meeting by the phone, call-in numbers are here:
The meeting id is hidden below the Videoconference Rooms link, but here it is again:
- 10502145
* attendance: Luca, Vagg, Viktor, Andrew, Saba, JimP, Matteo, OLI
* news
* ACAT talk feedback and proceedings
* FNAL tutorial
* Andrew Melo: tutorial for Spark in HEP Nov. 29 at Fermilab
* targeted towards CMS users, introduction, simple analysis
* ~3 hours
* using Vanderbilt resources
* input: ROOT files on HDFS
* using histogrammar & matplotlib
* there will be recordings
* 28-29 November: tutorial/course
* LHCb
* Luca did tutorial on LHCb open data
* Luca talked to Stefan Roser
* Luca suggested a physicist to give a talk ➜ Matteo will give the talk early November
* Another contact: TOTEM
* using spark on a supercomputer already
* will talk when they come to CERN
* Updates/discussion
* CHEP abstracts
* What would we like to achieve by CHEP (July 2018)
* 1 PB test: abstract: Vagg
* full analysis walkthrough: Andrew/Matteo
* JimP: query systems
* abstracts due: end of December
* CMS publication committee will update procedures to publish technical results with CMS data (making it unnecessary to use open data)
* Saba
* baseline implementation of Spark-stuff in HDF5, MPI and python on NERSC (supercomputer center)
* input data is small
* overall performance with MPI and Lustre was much better than what we saw with Spark
* need a dataset with couple of TB to make better statements
* maybe the root to numpy library used by Igor to convert data into NoSQL database schemas in batch mode could be used here
* batch more
* or reader comparison to HDF5
* Saba and JimP and Igor talk
* in one of the next meetings we could talk about SciDAC-4 big data project
* CMS open data was used in publication by Theorists, they converted into ASCII!!!