Conference proceedings, for oral and poster presentations, will be published electronically in SLAC-ePub, under the eConf number C180911.
Both, oral and poster presentations are asked to send proceedings. For oral presentations there is a 10 pages maximum, while for poster presentation there is a maximum of 5 pages.
Deadline for submission: December 1st 2018.
We ask you to submit your proceedings to the eprint arxiv : ( After you have submitted your proceeding to the arXiv, please send an email with the eprint number to these addresses:
ArXiv submission
For first time users, general submission help can be found at the eprint arXiv site. The web upload is particularly easy to use, from a PC, Mac or on Unix. You will receive confirmation email upon every step of the process, if you don't, it means you still have more to do. The ultimate goal is to see the full text of your paper on the server with an eprint number in the form "arch-ive/yymmnnn".
Important Considerations when Posting eConf Papers to the eprint arXiv
Document Format
Please use the latex template added at the end of this section.
Note that eprint arXiv will reject PS or PDF files created using TeX/LaTeX and ask for the source files.
File Size
The eprint arXiv will reject files over 650k. This problem generally occurs if the paper contains a lot of large figures. Usually large figures are the result of converting jpegs or scanned images to PS files. To avoid this problem, submit smaller graphics, with lower resolution. There is help on how to do this at the eprint arXiv Web site. In principle, you can provide a link to your Web page in the arXiv Comments section pointing users to better quality pictures.
Excessively large figure files make it more difficult to process a proceedings volume as it creates a bottleneck for Web transmission, so it is worth some effort to make your figures smaller.
Title/Abstract Preparation
When filling out the required information form it is important to mention the conference data in the comments field. Where you assign a number to each conference paper, this should be included in the report field along with any of the author's institutional report numbers. Always include the middle initials of the author, e.g., Jane Q. Physicist. This will help simplify tracking.
Authors: Jane Q. Physicist and J.R.B. Goode.
Comments: Invited talk at
PIC2018: XXXVIII International Symposium on Physics in Collision, Bogotá, Colombia, 2018.
5 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures.
Latex template click here