Frank Zimmermann
29/01/2010, 08:30
The parameters available (intensities, betas, crossing angles), the relationship between them, the constraints and challenges for each parameter, the possible ranges that could be explored, and different optimization strategies.
Ralph Assmann
29/01/2010, 08:55
One route to higher performance is to increase the number of bunches or the bunch intensities, or both. What are the implications for the hardware systems of the machine (RF, collimators, beam dump, injection, cryogenics, and magnets)?
Jean-Pierre Koutchouk
29/01/2010, 10:15
How can the effective LHC luminosity be optimized by complementary measures, like beam-beam compensation (long-range, head-on?) and luminosity leveling (various schemes)? Which are the merits and challenges of each measure? Are there lessons for the upgrade strategy?
Marzio Nessi
29/01/2010, 10:40
With the above in mind, which is the preferred upgrade strategy of the LHC experiments? Which upgrades are planned by the experiments, and how do these constrain the LHC upgrade paths?