Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

5–6 Feb 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Stellar versus total mass in lensing galaxies from CFHTLS

6 Feb 2018, 15:30



Philipp Denzel (University of Zurich)


"We will present mass maps of lensing galaxies recently discovered by the Space Warps project from CFHTLS, as well as reconstructions of their stellar mass distributions. This enables us to estimate the star formation efficiency at different radii in the same lensing galaxy and of galaxies of different masses and redshift. The results will be compared with galaxy formation simulations.
Denzel P (1) , Saha P (1) , Küng R (1) , Ferreras I (2). (1) University Of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. (2) Mullard Space Science Laboratory University College London, London, UK"

Presentation materials