January 29, 2018 to February 2, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fundamental questions in neutrino physics such as the existence of leptonic CP violation, the Majorana nature of neutrinos or the origin of neutrino masses and mixings could have essential implications in other areas of high energy physics, from collider physics to indirect searches for new physics, as well as in our understanding of the universe. This workshop aims at bringing together at CERN neutrino experts to discuss recent progress in this area.  Although the main focus of the workshop will be neutrino oscillation physics and BSM physics related to the oscillation program, the topics to be discussed include:

  • Prospects on measuring leptonic CP violation and the neutrino mass matrix
  • Non-standard searches in future neutrino experiments
  • Neutrinoless double-beta decay
  • Charged lepton flavour violation, lepton EDMs
  • Neutrino physics in colliders
  • Neutrino masses and theories of flavour
  • Neutrinos in cosmology: neutrino DM and DE connections, baryogenesis
  • Neutrinos in astrophysics: origin of PeV neutrinos, SuperNova neutrinos, neutrinos and GW

This workshop is part of the  CERN Theory Neutrino Platform activities and will be carried out in coordination with the Fermilab Theory group.

The workshop will also be held  in connection with the DUNE collaboration meeting and will consist of joint and separated sessions which  will include selected overview talks and ample time for discussions. Talks are by invitation only, if you are interested in giving a talk please contact the organizers.

Registration:  The attendance will be limited to around 80 people.   Applications to attend will be open until late December, 2017 but the sooner you register the better.


Organisers : G. Barenboim, P. Hernandez, P. Huber, S. Parke, S. Pascoli and T. Schwetz


4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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