CWP Editorial Board Meeting
Present: Eduardo Rodrigues, John Harvey, Graeme Stewart, Michel Jouvin, Dario Menasce, Stefan Roiser, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Predrag Buncic, David Lange
(People at S2I2 workshop could not join: Mike, Pete, Maria.)
Meeting Minutes
Physics Generators
Liz also gathered input from LHCb about their generators (Pythia + EvtGen) and modernisation needs
Workload Management
This group didn’t add anything unique for the CWP process
Impact Statements
Liz - think this is a good idea, but is unclear how to incorporate this into the document
John - the S2I2 document has a way of doing this through an impact section
Eduardo - some misgivings about this, as our work items are quite large and would be broken down into much finer pieces later
Liz - for NSF (e.g.) this needs to be done, so there is a reason to do this; could just be a question of matching to the 3 fundamental goals; P5 report matched areas of investigation to high level physics goals and could be used for inspiration
Simone - WLCG MB will take items from the CWP and prioritise them for that part of the community, so we can cover impact, but not try to actually prioritise
John’s summary: CWP users can take priorities from impact, so then it would be useful to cover that
We decided we do need to try to progress on this
Use the Tuesday 21st @ 16h slot (previous doodle)
People should do homework for this meeting and come with a concrete proposal for how the impact statements would look
WG Papers
Can update arXiv pages, so can do cross references as a a 2 round process
Upload all papers, first version
Add cross references, second version
Idea to have a reference page on the HSF website
Graeme worried we are not set up for archival quality pages
Eduardo, can give each paper a CWP reference (on the github HSF documents archive so something like HSF-CWP-2017-XXX). This way each WP paper get “now” an XXX number and the CWP can refer to these immediately. Once all is in arXiv the final versions of all papers will have the full refs, but the benefit is that the HSF-CWP-2017-XXX refs are set from the onset and act as a report number. The links between CWP and WG papers get attributed at an early stage.
John: it is critical to have WG convenors sign off on the sections in the CWP
Create a google doc so that we actually track this - close the loop
Also need to target some individuals for particular sections (Ian Bird for Facilities; Jamie Shears for Data Preservation)
Please come up with ideas for Tuesday
Final version in LaTeX should be as close to final as possible!