Designing a low emittance ring is generally achieved at the cost of a lower beam lifetime. To ensure a relatively constant current in the ring it is therefore compulsory to use a top-up refill scheme with frequent injections. Unfortunately injections are not completely transparent for users, the pulsed magnets (septa or kickers) induce some perturbation of the beam motion (closed orbit) and...
A dissector is an electron-optical device designed for measurement of periodic light pulses of subnanosecond and picosecond duration. LI-602 dissector developed at BINP is widely used for routine measurements of a longitudinal profile of electron and positron beams at BINP electron-positron colliders and other similar installations. LI-602 provides a temporal resolution of about 20 ps. A new...
While recent diffraction limited storage rings provide bunches with transverse dimensions smaller than the wavelength of the observed synchrotron radiation, this is still challenging in the longitudinal plane. The self interaction of a short electron bunch with its emitted coherent radiation can lead to the micro-bunching instability. Therefore, the bunch compression in storage rings is...
Already now BESSY II is operated with a complex fill pattern, in order to fulfill many different user-demands simultaneously. Thus, properties like current, bunch size and bunch length vary on a bunch-by-bunch level, which require dedicated diagnostics for the stable operation of the machine. With the advent of BESSY VSR, the variable bunch-length storage ring, bunch resolved diagnostics will...